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Home & Heritage

Rural and small town pensioners attracted to daytime activities and historical content.

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  5. Communications
  6. Subsegments H1 & H2

Conservative in their tastes, this more mature group appreciates all things traditional: a large proportion are National Trust members, while classical music and amateur dramatics are comparatively popular. While this is not a highly engaged group –partly because they are largely to be found in rural areas and small towns –they do engage with the cultural activity available to them in their locality. They look for activities to match their needs and interests, such as accessible daytime activities or content exploring historical events.

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Home & Heritage Further Segmented

While all Home & Heritage broadly share core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Home & Heritage, then understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.

Home & Heritage | H1

Settled suburban seniors.
Find out more about H1

Home & Heritage | H2

Affluent residents of rural idylls.
Find out more about H2