Home & Heritage
In this section
Conservative in their tastes, this more mature group appreciates all things traditional: a large proportion are National Trust members, while classical music and amateur dramatics are comparatively popular. While this is not a highly engaged group –partly because they are largely to be found in rural areas and small towns –they do engage with the cultural activity available to them in their locality. They look for activities to match their needs and interests, such as accessible daytime activities or content exploring historical events.

Key statistics
Activity Level:
Medium Cultural Engagement
Spectrum Ranking:
6/ 10
Audience Answers Benchmark:
8 % of Active Audiences
Population Prevalence:
10 % of UK Population
Core Characteristics of Home & Heritage
An older group of retired or semi-retired home owners, living on modest pensions and spending their time enjoying reading, gardening, period dramas and Countryfile.
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Recognising the value of arts and culture - and particularly heritage - in their lives, they are willing to spend leisurely days engaging, as long as comfort and access needs are met.
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Traditional in their tastes, they enjoy daytime exploration of historical sites, as well as theatre matinees and classical music recitals, and participate in local crafts and 'Am Dram'.
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Largely found in rural areas and small towns, far from urban bustle, this group is limited in its ability to travel independently, so local provision and organised daytrips are key.
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Personalised communications through traditional media are the best way to talk to a group that values plain speaking, familiarity of content and local connection.
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