Commuterland Culturebuffs
In this section
Affluent and settled with many working in higher managerial and professional occupations. Commuterland Culturebuffs are keen consumers of culture, with broad tastes but a leaning towards heritage and more classical offerings. Mature families or retirees, living largely in leafy provincial suburban or greenbelt comfort, they are willing to travel and pay for premium experiences, their habits perhaps influenced by commuting. Motivations are multiple, ranging from social and self-improvement to the pursuit of learning opportunities for older children. They tend to be frequent attenders and potential donors.

Key statistics
Activity Level:
Higher Cultural Engagement
Spectrum Ranking:
2/ 10
Audience Answers Benchmark:
17 % of Active Audiences
Population Prevalence:
12 % of UK Population
Core Characteristics of Commuterland Culturebuffs
A largely middle-aged group of older families and empty nesters, with considerable disposable income and time to indulge in a wide range of interests and leisure activities.
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This group attends regularly, just as much to socialise as for the art, and is happy to pay for secondary spend and donate generously to preserve convenient culture.
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Traditional leaning but open-minded, members of this group tend to be interested in and frequenters of a variety of artforms, as well as being keen am-dram enthusiasts.
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These leafy greenbelt suburbanites are found especially in the south, in easy commuting distance of urban centres, and in areas with a strong sense of community involvement.
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Digital Activities
This group's comfort with using culture organisations websites for trip planning purposes has primed them for an easier pivot to engaging with artistic content online.
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They expect clear, subject-matter specific information and exemplary customer service, value expert endorsements and can be strong advocates in their own networks.
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