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Frontline Families

Frugal, semi-urban renting families, light on arts and culture but heavy on community.

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  2. Attitudes
  3. Sectors
  4. Places
  5. Digital Activities
  6. Communications
  7. Subsegments F1 & F2

Arts and culture play a very small role in the lives of this younger, cash-strapped group living in suburban and semi-urban areas of high unemployment. They are the least likely to think of themselves as arty, with less than a third believing that arts, culture and heritage are important in general. Nevertheless, they do engage in leisure activities as families, particularly mainstream events like cinema, live music and pantomime, and will participate in community-based entertainment.

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Frontline Families Further Segmented

While all Frontline Families broadly share these core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Frontline Families, understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.

Frontline Families | F1

Older families, getting by despite challenges.
Find out more about F1

Frontline Families | F2

Younger, cash-strapped families and couples starting out.
Find out more about F2