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Dormitory Dependables

Regular attenders living in suburbs and smaller towns, interested in heritage activities and mainstream arts and less likely to be attracted by contemporary offerings.

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  2. Attitudes
  3. Sectors
  4. Places
  5. Digital Activities
  6. Communications
  7. Subsegments D1 & D2

A significant proportion of audiences are made up of this dependably regular, although not high frequency, engagement group. Most live in suburban or small towns and show a preference for heritage activities, alongside popular and more traditional, mainstream arts. Many are thriving well-off mature couples or busy older families; lifestage coupled with more limited access to an extensive cultural offer means that culture is more an occasional treat or family outing than an integral part of their lifestyle.

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Dormitory Dependables Further Segmented

While all Dormitory Dependables broadly share these core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Dormitory Dependables, understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.

Dormitory Dependables | D1

Commuter-town families, investing for the future.
Find out more about D1

Dormitory Dependables | D2

Settled, comfortable residents, enjoying regional life.
Find out more about D2