Dormitory Dependables
In this section
A significant proportion of audiences are made up of this dependably regular, although not high frequency, engagement group. Most live in suburban or small towns and show a preference for heritage activities, alongside popular and more traditional, mainstream arts. Many are thriving well-off mature couples or busy older families; lifestage coupled with more limited access to an extensive cultural offer means that culture is more an occasional treat or family outing than an integral part of their lifestyle.

Key statistics
Activity Level:
Medium Cultural Engagement
Spectrum Ranking:
4/ 10
Audience Answers Benchmark:
20 % of Active Audiences
Population Prevalence:
15 % of UK Population
Core Characteristics of Dormitory Dependables
This large group includes families of all ages, with typical educational backgrounds, solid careers and the means to enjoy their time as they please, both at home and abroad.
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Cultural activities tend to mark special occasions with friends and family, so the wrap-around offer is extremely important and group-based discounts appeal.
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Hardcore history and heritage buffs who otherwise lean towards museums, galleries and the mainstream performing arts, with a particular enthusiasm for live popular music.
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A suburban cohort concentrated heavily around the South East and North West, with average levels of arts and cultural provision locally, but a willingness to travel for treats.
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Digital Activities
Whilst not glued to their devices, they none-the-less expect to be able to find whatever information they need online, both for leisure planning and news consumption.
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Detail and directness are the keys to communicating with this busy, no nonsense group, both in the messaging they require and the ways in which they like to receive it.
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