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Supported Communities

Many people in these groups live in social housing and may rely on financial support or experience multiple types of deprivation or poor health.

In this section

  1. Profiles
  2. Attitudes
  3. Sectors
  4. Places
  5. Digital Activities
  6. Communications
  7. Subsegments S1 & S2

These are the least likely people to attend cultural events, believing that the arts are no longer as important or relevant to them as perhaps they once were. A high proportion are over 60 or under 25. Many live in sheltered or specially adapted accommodation and are excluded from lots of activities by age, health, access and resource-related barriers. If they do engage, it is likely with very local participatory activities that allow them the chance to socialise, such as craft circles, church seniors or youth groups, organised by their housing, faith or community groups.

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Supported Communities Further Segmented

While all Kaleidoscope Creativity broadly share these core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Kaleidoscope Creativity, understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.

Supported Communities | S1

Young, immobile and hard-up, often relying on welfare to get by.
Find out more about S1

Supported Communities | S2

Elderly residents of sheltered housing with declining health.
Find out more about S2