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Kaleidoscope Creativity

Mixed-age and many working in public or service sectors, often preferring free and local community festivals and art to engaging with public cultural institutions.

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  5. Digital Activities
  6. Communications
  7. Subsegments K1 & K2

These ethnically diverse, inner-city dwellers often live in local authority housing close to a lot of cultural provision, but don't tend to engage as much, as low education, employment and income all act as barriers to access. Some do consider themselves 'arty' though, so community-led, local co-creation can be key to engagement, and community festivals, street arts, and live music, beyond the Western mainstream and outside of traditional venues, all tend to be more popular.

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Kaleidoscope Creativity Further Segmented

While all Kaleidoscope Creativity broadly share these core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Kaleidoscope Creativity, understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.

Kaleidoscope Creativity | K1

Settled and diverse urban communities.
Find out more about K1

Kaleidoscope Creativity | K2

Hard-pressed singles in city tower blocks.
Find out more about K2