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Soon-to-be, or already, retirees from skilled professional, White working class backgrounds, who enjoy sofa time, social clubs and fishing trips on modest pensions.


A late-middle aged to elder group of grandparents, couples, or singles without kids, with some mobility issues, and from largely White British backgrounds.

  • Over 75% are aged over 50, of whom the majority are aged between 51-65.
  • There is a significant proportion of singles (44%) in this segment, along with older married couples and families with grown-up children, no longer living at home, and grandchildren - only 5% of households have children in the home.
  • 44% of people in this segment have a long-term health condition, some form of disability or limiting illness, particularly around mobility issues.
  • Not an ethnically diverse group, over 90% class themselves as White British, though there are very small representations of people from non-British white backgrounds, as well as Irish, mixed White & Black Caribbean, mixed White and Asian, Asian and African populations.


Either approaching or already enjoying retirement from skilled trade occupations, these hard working homeowners live on modest pensions.

  • The age range of this group means a mixture of people from those who still have a number of years left to work, to those who are well established in their retirement, and those who fall between the two.
  • They often live reasonably comfortable and stable lives, though on mostly average or below average household incomes of between £15,000- £25,000; around 95% of Up Our Street earn less than £25,000 per year (figures c.2015).
  • Many are (or were) employed in jobs, perhaps in skilled trade occupations for which an apprenticeship was undertaken, or in administrative or customer service roles.
  • They are mainly home owners who have worked hard to buy, and live in older terraced or semi-detached homes, some bought from the local council.


Leisure time is spent largely at home enjoying TV, or in social clubs or pubs over a pint with friends, though fishing and other wildlife trips are also popular.

  • Characterised as modest in their habits and in their means, they lead frugal lifestyles, enjoying inexpensive hobbies and occasional treats, so value for money and low-risk can be important factors in leisure decision making
  • They are likely to spend their spare time in the home, perhaps doing DIY and gardening, and are heavy and frequent viewers of TV, which is another of their chief pastimes.
  • On the whole they’re not overly sporty, but fishing is an activity that is relatively popular, and they do enjoy occasional day trips, where wildlife and history are subjects of interest, often with grandchildren.
  • Eating out at restaurants, spending time meeting friends over a drink in pubs, bars, sports and social clubs is a frequent pastime for many.
  • They also enjoy some moderate gambling, like bingo and/or the lottery.