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Dormitory Dependables Attitudes
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Cultural outings are more an occasional social or family treat than an integral part of their lifestyle, but they do appreciate new opportunities to learn.
- More likely to think of themselves as sporty than arty, they do however feel it is important to be able to enjoy cultural experiencesas social occasions and days out with friends and family.
- Reasons for attending revolve around finding opportunities to relax, socialise and be entertained – often by way of a special treat – sothe surroundings need to be mindful of providing suitable facilities and ambiance to fulfil this need for grown-up groups, as well being family friendly.
- That said, this group's curious nature and thirst for knowledge also requires information, as well as entertainment, so exhibitions and displays should provide rich background detail and an appropriate level of interpretative material to stretch their intellect.
- They usually have to make special time for the occasion and plan their travel, so the offer will be received more enthusiastically when it emphasises a whole 'experience' and all its trappings, rather than any overly deep focus on the artistic merits of the event.
Given the various lifestages found in this group, mixed pricing strategies, including discount-based promotions for family or social groups, work well.
- The varying levels of disposable income amongst this group, along withthe mix between those with children at home and the empty nesters, necessitates a model of mixed pricing strategies.
- Discount-based promotions around family or social groups may appeal as a means of addressing both the overall cost of attending relative to disposable income, and ‘risk’ factors where programming style veers away from the popular and mainstream.
- As largely infrequent attenders, friends or membership schemes for which benefits are realised over multiple attendances don't appeal as much as strategies aimed at encouraging more frequent engagement - e.g. Test Drive schemes etc. - which can be linked to their wider social motivations and incorporate catering offers or other (time limited) incentives.
- They are apt to purchase original works of art and handmade crafts, so making sure auxiliary purchasing possibilities are visible will likely increase their spend.
Above average rates of low-level one-off giving to heritage, museums and galleries, as well as to educational and international development charities.
- Overall levels of donations are around average or just above, with fewer people donating two or three times a year, for sums of £20 or less, so appeals for low level, infrequent giving are most likely to meet with success.
- Heritage organisations, museums and galleries are most likely to appeal to their sense of charity and history, while only 5% have made donations to performing arts organisations in the last 12 months.
- A majority feel that making donations in this way will make a difference to the cultural opportunities available to them, and are more likely to giveif the benefits to the wider public from such giving - e.g. preservation and development of engagement opportunities - are clearly articulated.
- Outside of the arts, this group has an above average propensity to give towards schools, higher education, developing countries and famine relief,so partnerships with learning communities or international support charities might be beneficially entered into by all parties.
Cost-of-living concerns

With attendance back up to pre-Covid-19 levels and concerns about cost-of-living falling in the middle range, Dormitory Dependables are still likely to reliably engage with live arts and culture for special occasions, even through this crisis.
This segment is in the middle of agreement levels with cost of living concern statements, matching the above graph. Like most segments, they agree more with energy and inflation rates impacting cultural spending, compared to interest rates.