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This is the most digitally confident spectrum segment, using the internet to access almost all of their information about events and make decisions regarding what to attend.

General Engagement

This group are the most likely to be digital natives, using social media to discover new things, stay up-to-date with news and trends, and to access information for making plans and decisions.

  • Online activity includes downloading and streaming music from sites such as Spotify and iTunes, and subscribing to streaming services like Netflix, rather than watching programmed television.
  • They share experiences by ‘chatting’ or posting content and a higher proportion use Twitter, have the latest smartphone/tablet, and use apps to manage their lives.
  • They are likely to have spent a lot of time on social media during lockdown, including WhatsApp groups.

Arts and Culture

Their primary source of information is organisations' websites, where they are looking for the details they need to make decisions and book for events.

  • High internet use comes hand-in-hand with higher expectations set by streaming services and wider social media so, while they are especially receptive to these channels, organisations are competing for their screen time and high quality content is needed to grab their attention.
  • As nearly half of this group considers themselves ‘arty’, they are likely to have stayed engaged in arts and culture in different ways during lockdown, including heavily online.
  • Their varied tastes and openness to new things makes them less likely to have been resistant to changes in format (e.g. streaming), though their attention is easily split and they are likely to have been using ‘second screens’ during their digital consumption of culture.