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Mostly family dominated group with children ranging from school-age to young adult, living comfortable but modest lifestyles, close to relatives and where they grew up.


Largely mid-life parents of school-age or young adult children, in mostly good health, though this is less true of older relatives sometimes living with them.

  • This group contains a broad spread of ages up to 60 years old (with 58% aged between 31-50), of whom 22% are singles, either living on their own or co-habiting, while some are younger couples just starting out, though many have younger families and most have at least one or two children.
  • 50% are households with children and most live in what are essentially family homes although where older children may have either left, are frequently coming and going, or are still resident.
  • In some cases there may also be other adults living in the household, such as older relatives.
  • Most likely to be English, Western/Eastern European there is a higher than average number of Bangladeshi families included here.
  • 19% of this group have long-standing or limiting disabilities or infirmities.


Mortgage and family support demands put some strain on what are otherwise reasonably comfortable suburban middle-managers and tradespeople.

  • Their salaries, while not high, offer them a comfortable standard of suburban living in the main, though some are still paying off mortgages so have higher outgoings.
  • Some have older children still living at, or returned, home out of necessity, which can also place additional pressure on their finances.
  • With an average level of education for the population, most are employed in mid-level professions or lower management, with some in supervisory roles in highly skilled trades (having undertaken apprenticeships).
  • This group is fairly identifiable in any region from the type of housing they occupy and 86% own their homes, with older members having lived in their local area for long periods of time, close by or near to other family members.


Leisure pursuits reflect busy households who enjoy playing and watching sports, 'days out' in town, and plenty of family couch time for TV and games.

  • They enjoy playing team sports, dancing for fitness and (at the younger end) regularly attending football matches, while (at the older end) 10% of this group are members of The National Trust.
  • Use of websites such as Ebay and Amazon and shopping at out of town superstores such as Aldi, Asda, Tesco or Cash and Carry – where they are likely to use vouchers, coupons, collect reward points and make the most of discounts and meal deals – to help control their spending.
  • Of all the segments they are the keenest shoppers and do this with family and friends as part of 'days out', which also involve going to restaurants and bars - typically familiar known brands and chains such as Frankie & Bennys, Pizza Hut, Nandos and TGI Fridays.
  • At home there is some interest in DIY and gardening, but the focus is on in-house entertainment: computer games and consoles, typically Sky+ or Virgin Media TV packages and a variety of on demand streaming options.