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While all Home & Heritage broadly share core characteristics, closer examination reveals two key subsegments who differ in life stage and style. If your target audience or local area is heavy on Home & Heritage, then understanding their variety can help with programming, marketing and outreach.
A stacked bar chart shows the split by subsegment across all UK regions, showing segment 1 as dominant across most regions but especially the North, whilst Northern Ireland has a lot more of segment 2.

Home & Heritage | H1

Settled suburban seniors.
  • Profiles and Places | Retired residents of suburban areas, with a higher concentration in the South East.
  • Attitudes and Sectors | With traditional and heritage-based tastes, especially for stately homes or parks and gardens, they typically travel further to attend than most other groups, including H2.
  • Digital and Comms | H1s also make very low use of social media and very low use of subscription services, except for Sky.

Home & Heritage | H2

Affluent residents of rural idylls.
  • Profiles and Places | Older and affluent rural dwellers, with a higher proportion below retirement age than H1. They generally live in detached houses in rural areas, with higher concentrations in the East and South West.
  • Attitudes and Sectors | Overall, they have a preference for more traditional arts and heritage but are more likely than H1 to attend Musical Theatre.
  • Digital and Comms | H2s make very low use of social media and low use of subscription services.