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These tech savvy social media enthusiasts rely entirely on the internet to plan their leisure activities, but are unlikely to stream arts organisation's own digital content.

General Engagement

Technically savvy, but not always seeking out the latest gadgets, Trips & Treats contains families that are daily users of the internet.

  • They are likely to use the full range of platforms depending on what they’re doing - Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. - and the mid-aged bracket is particularly likely to be found on Facebook and local WhatsApp groups.
  • Those who are younger are keen social networkers - though more likely to be on Instagram or TikTok than Facebook - and are adept at managing their money online.
  • Most own smartphones, use a large number of apps and stream music using sites such as Spotify and iTunes.

Arts and Culture

This group is unlikely to access arts and culture streaming or collections online, but do rely entirely on organisation's websites to plan their visits.

  • They use a wide range of devices/platforms, but hadn’t previously used digital content by cultural organisations much before the pandemic.
  • They use social media to find out what’s going on locally and to chat about activities and other cultural events, but not necessarily for following cultural organisations.
  • That said, all use websites to research and seek out information regarding all of their leisure pursuits and interests on a daily basis.
  • Arts organisations' online presence needs therefore to be clear and informative, as they will be regularly visited once a family is interested.