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Located in and around urban areas, predominantly in the North and Midland regions, public transport can be a hinderance, despite being quite close to many arts offers.
This heatmap of the Uk shows mostly pale colour but lots of small spots of the segment especially in the Midlands and North West, whilst the whole South of England has few patches.


Living in city suburbs and on the edges of towns throughout the UK, but more predominant in the Midlands and across the urban North.

  • Frontline Families can be found in and around the edge of urban areas, with more in the urban sprawl of the Midlands and North, and fewer in the South West, East and Greater London.
  • Living in places such as Sandwell and Skegness, Maidenhead and Rotherham.
  • Visit our Audience Spectrum Map to investigate the location of this segment and its subsegments.


While this group live relatively close to arts, museums, galleries and heritage sites (being based on the edges of cities in suburban areas), their level of engagement is comparatively low.

  • It can be hard for this group to access cultural activity from their home areas, particularly if the public transport infrastructure is poor.
  • They are unlikely to have cars and will rely on public transport to get to larger, more central venues, which may or may not be reliable or easy to navigate (particularly with a large or very young family).
  • So opportunities are most likely to appeal to this group if they are local and easily accessible, especially in free outdoor and familiar community locations
  • Any relationship will also rest on providing appropriate facilities – as per those described in the Attitudes> Priorities section.


Strategies such as working with local community organisations, housing associations, local authority arts managers, schools or children’s centres could help to encourage engagement.

  • About one in five have done some volunteering in the last 12 months – mostly for sports and other sectors. 18% have volunteered in the last 12 months.
  • It is more likely that people in this group may be able to volunteer more than donate, although they are also squeezed for time, bringing up their families.
  • Older members tend to have lived in the same house for a long time, are well established and tied to their local community.
  • Use of established venue spaces for local groups may help to place the organisation in the consciousness of the community, as a first step in introducing this group to culture and creativity through local partnerships.
  • Creating a local ‘family panel’ or family ambassadors may be an effective way to engage members of this group who are well connected in their communities, as long as they are briefed appropriately or offered financial incentives.