Back to Frontline Families overview

Either looking for prominent and visible advertising through mainstream channels, or trusted endorsements from peer groups through word of mouth or social networks.


Free, family-friendly and fun are the thing to focus on when looking to rpoote your offer to this group

  • Families with children are subject to ‘pester power’ and messages which get filtered through them via schools and other community activities their children are involved with.
  • As active social networkers, they are heavily influenced by their friends and family, particularly if they feel there’s too much choice, and will be looking for endorsements through their own social media networks for all activities.


They are big TV watchers and responsive to brand associations and TV advertising, particularly with a strong emotional message, and will be looking for endorsements through high profile local and TV advertising.

  • This group primarily read the ‘red tops’ – chiefly The Sun, Daily Mirror and a local free daily newspaper to provide their news and views, so promotion through local press and notice boards could be effective.
  • Once captured they may respond to direct mail by post or email – as long as it includes suitably engaging content and/or low prices, offers or discounts.
  • They will share their opinions and as part of a digital generation, they expect their promotional content to be involving, interactive and entertaining; digital content should be engaging for both adults and children.
  • Engaging local ambassadors, reaching out to community leaders of local initiatives, or approaching outreach projects will be all necessary to engage harder to reach families.
  • Local partnerships may be particularly effective, such as through schools or leaders of community groups which involve children, such as Sure Start centres, nurseries or after school groups may also provide useful links.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that partners are in themselves family friendly.